The disabled people's Federation community provides rehabilitation training services for disabled people. It is for different disabled people. Civil affairs communities have different types of rehabilitation training:
Provide hearing and language training for the hearing disabled.
Provide visual function, directional walking, perceptual compensation, self-care and vocational and social adaptation training for the visually impaired.
Provide cognitive, self-care, vocational and social adaptation training for the mentally disabled.
Provide sports, cognition, language, self-care and vocational and social adaptation training for the physically disabled.
Provide social communication, emotional and behavioral regulation, self-care and vocational and social adaptation training for the mentally disabled.
There are many contents of community rehabilitation training for the disabled. According to different conditions, the rehabilitation center is usually planned into five areas: sports training area, simulated life self-care training area, physical therapy area, language ability training area and operation treatment area.
✔ Sports training area: sky orbit gait training system, sports training frame, upper and lower limb joint rehabilitation device, walking aid, hemiplegia rehabilitation device, etc.
✔ Simulated life self-care training area: nursing bed, displacement machine, bedsore prevention pad, toilet, eating thunder auxiliary suit, clothing auxiliary suit.
✔ Physical Therapy Area: rehabilitation spa pool, rehabilitation walking displacement machine, standing frame, walking aid, sitting chair, crutch phototherapy lamp, etc.
✔ Language ability training area: blind stick, blind watch, blind learning suit, hearing aid, etc.
✔ Occupational Therapy Area: ot comprehensive training platform, fingerboard, cognitive graphics plug-in board, etc.