It can transfer disabled people in a short distance,improve nursing efficiency,reduce nursing risk and reduce the incidence of complications of bedridden patients.
✔ Pressure sore
✔ Joint stiffness
✔ Accumulated pneumonia
✔ Skeletal muscle atrophy
✔ Mental disorder
✔ septicemia
✔ Oral gingivitis
✔ urinary tract infection
✔ Gastrointestinal dysfunction
✔ Decreased digestive function
The shifter can transfer disabled people in a short distance. It is mainly used to move disabled people and bedridden patients from one position to another, making nursing work more convenient, efficient, safe and comfortable.As follows:
✔ Assist to get up:Use the shifter to help get up and reduce the occurrence of bedsore.
✔ Over bed displacement:Using the shifter, one person can complete the position movement.
✔ Up and down wheelchairs:By using the shifter, the lying patient can be lifted and placed on the wheelchair.
✔ Toileting and bathing:The shift machine can reach the toilet and bathroom for toilet bathing.